Jupyterbook Experiments

Jupyterbook Experiments

Embedded Spreadsheets

Google sheets does not seem to work well, certainly not on rendered website.

Numbered Figures

Modeled after this jupyterbook documentation page, we should be able to get numbered figures.

Myst directive method:


Fig. 1 Capital Intensity over time.

And another figure:


Fig. 2 A labor demand diagram.

Usual markdown image links also work (but less fine control over placement)

Another method with colon fences (does not appear to work):

:::{figure-md} fig-target :class: myclass


This is a caption in Markdown :::

Capital Intensity over time. :::

This seems to not work to caption figure with a number (need to list figure-md MyST extension on _config.yml… but maybe not working)

:::{figure-md} markdown-fig

Labor Demand

This is a caption in Markdown!



This text is standard Markdown :::


Here is a note

:::{admonition} This is also Markdown :class: warning

This text is standard Markdown :::


Here is a note