(These notes need to be cleaned up and shortened, in some sections, completed)
The Planner’s objective#
The socially optimal level of enclosure maximizes total output benefit to not include the total costs of enclosure \(ct_e\bar T\). Using the convenient property of the Cobb-Douglass that \(F(t_e \bar T, l_e \bar L) = F(t_e , l_e L)F(\bar T, \bar L)\) we can write the social planner’s objective as:
The expression in the square brackets, which we label \(Y\), measures total output in the economy for any given choice of land and labor shares \(t_e, l_e\). We then define
where we have used the fact that for our Cobb-Douglass \(F(\bar T,\bar L) =\bar T^{1-\alpha} \bar L^\alpha\) we find \(\frac{F(\bar T, \bar L)}{\bar T}=\bar l^\alpha\) where \(\bar l =\frac{\bar L}{\bar T}\) measures the economy-wide labor-land endowment ratio, or population density.
Labor intensity in the enclosed sector \(l_e(t_e)\)#
Recall that we found expressions for how labor would be allocated to the enclosed areas, for any given enclosure rate \(t_e\). Broadly we can write:
When labor is free to move between the enclosed and unenclosed areas, as will be the case under decentralized processes and in the second-best planning benchmark the parameter will instead be:
In the case of unregulated open-access we have \(\mu=0\) and we find \(\Lambda_0=(\alpha \theta)^\frac{1}{1-\alpha}\) while when access to the unenclosed areas is perfectly regulated (which is also the labor allocation chosen by a first-best social planner) we use \(\Lambda_0=\theta^\frac{1}{1-\alpha}\). The diagram below shows labor intensity \(l_e(t_e)\) as chosen by the social planner (or \(\mu=1\)), the private economy when \(\mu=0\) and in an economy with a partially regulated commons (\(\mu=0.5\))
Returning to the planner’s objective. Let’s now define
We’ve substituted \(l_e=l_e(t_e)\) using the labor intensity formula above to express total output solely in terms of the enclosure rate. When \(\mu=0\) we obtain the planner’s first-best objective \(z_1(t_e)\). When \(\mu=1\) we can the constrained social planner’s objective \(z_0(t_e)\).
The constrained (second best) planner will enclose whenever
Further notes on notation and deriving this expression for the Cobb-Douglas case in the next section.
Notice that in a decentralized economy, private actors only enclose when
So we can say that private actors ignore several “external effects.” The first is that, in this case with zero-compensation and an unregulated commons, they ignore the rents lost by those displaced by their enclosure decision (\(-F_T^c\)) . This is a “negative externality” relative to the planner’s second best which means that, all else equal, the private economy encloses too much. However there is a second effect in that the private actor ignores the positive effect \((\theta F_L^e-F_L^c)\cdot \frac{dl_e}{dt_e}\) that their enclosure has on reducing mis-allocation, as this benefit flows to others. All else equal, this effect suggests too little enclosure.
Parameters that describe the institutional and organizational environment may affect the extent to which these externalities are internalized or not because when \(\tau>0\) the encloser must pay compensation to those displaced. This means they now enclose only when \((\theta F_T^e -\tau F_T^c )\cdot \bar l^\alpha \ge c\). It is evident that when \(\tau=1\) the encloser has been forced to internalize the first external effect. But what of the second external positive spillover \((\theta F_L^e-F_L^c)\cdot \frac{dl_e}{dt_e}\)? Recall that when access to the unenclosed areas is regulated by parameter \(\mu\) (we can think of it as an access fee, or as the fraction of land possessed that a laborer can hold onto if they leave the unenclosed areas. Recall how parameter \(\mu\) affects equilibrium in the labor market:
It should be clear that when \(\mu=1\) the second external effect \((\theta F_L^e-F_L^c)\cdot \frac{dl_e}{dt_e}\) goes to zero. As discussed in the main text, however, both \(\mu\) and \(\tau\) need to be adjusted to arrive at a social optimum when \(\tau=\mu=1\). Adjusting one variable and not the other can make things worse.
It’s useful to note that
Note also that after some simplification:
and obviously \(\frac{d(1-t_e)}{dt_e}=-1\)
So, just to be clear about notation, we got the earlier expression \(z'(t_e)\) from the chain rule:
We can now find expressions for the components of \(z'(t_e)\). Note how we substitute in for \(l_e(t_e)\):
And by similar derivation (substituting in from above for \((1-l_e(t_e))\):
As described in the paper, after quite a bit of manipulation, the \(z(t_e)\) function can be simplified to
Which leads to:
And the condition for enclosure is:
which is directly comparable to the private decision:
Enclosure decisions are guided by:
\(z\) concave as long as \(\theta>1\)
\(z'(0)<c\) so zero enclosure \(t_e=0\)
\(z'(1)>c\) so full enclosure \(t_e=1\)
\(z'(0)>c\) and \(z'(1)<c\) so interior optimum \(t_e\)
All the loci expressions are derived same way (e.g. from \(z'(0)<c\))
\(z'(t_e)\) Components#
Using the Cobb-Douglas we can get closed form solutions:
which implies
#TODO: complete other terms and show plot… Note that these are terms for the second-best planner, so we should not read these as guiding efficient choices on the margin.
Observation on Global games#
I was playing around with some visualizations and it seems pretty clear
Move conditional optimality section down#
My suggestion is to move this second-best/conditional optimality section until later. It’s present virtue is that several expressions (e.g. \(l_e^*(t_e)\)) are re-used in the private enclosure but I feel it’s present location is a bit of a distraction:
The primary comparison is between the first-best social and the private enclosure decisions. Why not jump right into that comparison?
We don’t really do much with the conditional optimal loci right now even though they are some of the more complicated expressions in the paper which complicate/distract right before we’re about to deliver the punchlines of the paper.
We might draw more interesting discussion moving this discussion later in the paper. The most interesting aspect about it is that it seems to point to a more ‘practical’ policy - govt decides on frontier line but doesn’t try to regulate. For that reason maybe leave it for later when we discuss policy and environment issues (lots of good econ history to tie it too).
Relation \(z\), \(z^*\), \(r\)
From section on conditional optimality we have: $\( z^*(t_e)= \bar l^\alpha \frac{1+(\frac{\Lambda}{\alpha}-1)t_e}{(1+(\Lambda -1)t_e)^{\alpha}} \)$ Let’s try to get this to look a bit more like
Earlier Appendix notes#
All key equations are stated or derived here.
We define shares of land and labor in the enclosed sector as: \(t_e=\frac{T_e}{\bar T}\) and \(l_e=\frac{L_e}{\bar L}\)
Production technology \(F(T_c, L_c)=T_c^{1-\alpha} \bar L_c ^{\alpha}\) in customary (unenclosed sector). Enclosed sector has potentially different TFP.
Note also for later use that we can write:
because for Cobb-Douglas, \(MPT_e=(1-\alpha)\cdot APT_e\)
Interior enclosure#
From the condition
From which we can solve for
Private actors enclose when \(r(t_e)>c\)
Substitute in
When too much or too little enclosure#
The question is whether the enclosure rate chosen in a decentralized economy is even ‘second-best’. By this we mean whether, even if we take the labor-misallocation as given, whether net output could be higher at a higher or lower enclosure rate. We can show that it is not even second-best efficient.
To see this note that at any interior private enclosure rate we will have
Claim: At \(t_e^*\) we will have \(z'(t_e^*)>c\) meaning that the objective could be raised by raising \(t_e\)
We write out $\( z'(t_e)-c = \theta F_T^e-c -F_T^c + (\theta F_L^e - F_L^c)\cdot \frac{dl_e}{dt_e} \)$
Since the first term \(F_T^e-c\) by assumption the claim is
or that
To prove this note that the labor market condition allows us to substiute for the term in parenthesis, since $\( (\theta F_L - F_L) = F_T \cdot \frac{1-t_e}{1-l_e} \)$
So we can write the benefits> cost case as:
or $\( \frac{dl_e}{dt_e} >\frac{1-l_e}{1-t_e} \)$
With the CD we have:
So \(\frac{1-l_e}{1-t_e} = \frac{1}{1+(\Lambda-1)t_e}\) and we’re left with the inequality being true whenever:
hence the inequality comes down to: $\( \frac{\Lambda}{1+(\Lambda-1)t_e}>1 \)$
which can only hold true when \(\Lambda>1\) which is the case when
\(\theta>\theta_H = \frac{1}{\alpha}\) since then \(\alpha \theta>1\) and \(\Lambda>1\)
Socially Optimal#
Planner wants to maximize social benefits net of enclosure costs
We can divide each term above by \(\bar T\) to express in per unit land terms. Then purpose is to maximize:
We break this into tow parts. First find optimal labor-allocation \(l_e^o(t_e)\) for any given \(t_e\), then search over \(t_e\) to find the optimal enclosure rate. This approach makes it easier to compare to equilibria in the decentralized cases. The FOC for optimal labor allocation implies equalization of marginal products across sectors.
Solving for \(l_e\) as a function of \(t_e\):
Substituting this back into \(z(t_e)=z(t_e, l_e^o(t_e))\) we have:
To simplify, note that \(A\) can be simplified to
Now note that \(\theta \cdot \Lambda_0^\alpha=\theta \cdot \theta^\frac{\alpha}{1-\alpha}=\theta^\frac{1}{1-\alpha}=\Lambda_o\) so we can further simplify \(A\) to:
Meanwhile \(B\) can be written
And hence
And \(z(t_e)\) becomes:
The marginal benefit of increasing enclosure is then: