Module enclose

Expand source code
# Code for Enclosure projects 
# jupyter notebooks and code at
# Matthew J. Baker and Jonathan Conning

__version__ = 'dev'
This module contains functions for the analysis of a model of private land enclosures.
The docstrings can use pdoc3 to generate documention for the API using command:
   `pdoc --html --force --output-dir docs -c latex_math=True`
This will generate a html file in the docs directory. 
In pdoc all latex backslashes must be escaped (e.g. \\alpha) and math delimeter is $$.

- The parameter $mu$ is represented in some but not all functions
  (to analyze case where partial security)
- finalize the manufacturing case

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ipywidgets import interact, fixed
from IPython.display import display, Math, Markdown


def f(T, L, a=1/2, th=1):
    r'''Production technology 
       $$f(T, L) = \theta \cdot T^{1-\alpha}L^{\alpha}$$ 
    return th * T**(1-a) * L**a

def mple(te, le, a=1/2, th=1, tlbar=Tbar/Lbar):
    r'''Marginal product of Labor on enclosed land can be written
       $$MPL(t_e, l_e) = \alpha \cdot \frac{f(t_e, l_e)}{l_e} \bar l^\alpha$$ 
       Since with a Cobb Douglas, $MPL = \alpha \cdot APL$.'''
    return a* f(te,le,a,th)/le  * tlbar**(1-a)

def aple(te, le, a=1/2, th=1, tlbar=Tbar/Lbar):
    r'''Average product of Labor 
    $$APL(t_e, l_e) = \frac{f(T_e, L_e)}{L_e} =  \frac{f(t_e, l_e)}{l_e} \cdot \bar t^{1-\alpha}$$ 
    return f(te,le,a,th)/le  * tlbar**(1-a)

def mpte(te, le, a=1/2, th=1, tlbar=Tbar/Lbar):
    '''Marginal product of Land on enclosed land'''
    return (1-a)* f(te,le,a,th)/te  * tlbar**(-a)

def mplu(te, le, a=1/2, th=1, tlbar=Tbar/Lbar):
    '''Marginal product of Labor on unenclosed land
       same tech but useful to have other name'''
    return mple(te, le, a, th, tlbar)

def aplu(te, le, a=1/2, th=1, tlbar=Tbar/Lbar):
    '''Average product of Labor on unenclosed land'''
    return aple(te, le, a, th, tlbar)

def Lambda(th, alp, mu):
    ''' Key term in expressions. Can return either private or planners 
    $$\\mu = 0 \\rightarrow \\Lambda = (\\alpha \\theta)^\\frac{1}{1-\\alpha}$$
    $$\\mu = 1 \\rightarrow \\Lambda_o = \\theta^\\frac{1}{1-\\alpha}$$
    return ( (alp*th)/(1-mu+alp*mu) )**(1/(1-alp))

def req(te, th=1, alp=1/2, ltbar=1, mu=0):
    r'''Decentralized Equilibrium rental given t_e
       $$r(t_e) =  \theta f_T(t_e, l_e(t_e)) \cdot \bar l^\alpha$$ 
       $$r(t_e) =  \frac{(1-\alpha) \theta  \Lambda^\alpha}{(1+(\Lambda-1)t_e)^\alpha}  \cdot \bar l^\alpha$$ 

    lam = Lambda(th, alp, mu)
    return (1-alp)*th * lam**alp * (1+(lam-1)*te)**(-alp) * (ltbar)**(alp)

def weq(te, th=1, alp=1/2, tlbar=1, mu=0):
    '''Decentralized Equilibrium wage'''
    lam = Lambda(th, alp, mu)
    return (1+(lam-1)*te)**(1-alp) * (tlbar)**(1-alp)

def leo(te, th, alp):
    '''optimal labor allocation (from MPLe = MPLu) given enclosed land share te'''
    lam = th**(1/(1-alp))
    return (lam*te)/(1+lam*te-te)

def le(te, th, alp, mu):
    '''Private equilibrium labor share on enclosed for given te when 
       mu = 0:   APLc = MPLe,   le* in paper
       mu = 1:   MPLc = MPLe,   leo in paper
       mu in (0,1)   in between partly secure
    lam = Lambda(th, alp, mu)
    return (lam*te)/(1+(lam-1)*te)

def totalq(te, th, alp, lbar, mu):
    '''total output in the economy given te and mu.
       Note costs of enclosure are not subtracted.'''
    leq = le(te, th, alp, mu)
    return ( th * f(te, leq, alp, th) + f(1-te, 1-leq, alp, 1) ) * lbar**alp 

def z(te, th, alp, lbar):
    '''output per unit land net of enclosure cost
       $$z(t_e) = \\bar l^\\alpha \\left(1+(\\Lambda_o-1)t_e\\right)^{1-\\alpha}$$ '''
    lam = th**(1/(1-alp))
    return lbar**alp * (1+(lam-1)*te)**(1-alp) 

def zpv(te, th, alp, lbar):
    '''output per unit land net of enclosure cost  NEED TO ADJUST:
       $$z_d(t_e)= \\bar l^\\alpha \\cdot \\frac{ 1+(\\frac{\\Lambda}{\\alpha}-1)t_e}{(1+(\\Lambda-1)t_e)^\\alpha}$$
    lam = (alp*th)**(1/(1-alp))
    return lbar**alp * (th*te*lam**alp +(1-te))/(1+(lam-1)*te)**alp 

def zprime(te, th, alp, lbar):
    '''derivative of planner's z(t_e) function
       $$z(t_e) = \\bar l^\\alpha \\cdot (1-\\alpha)(\\Lambda_o -1) \\left(1+(\\Lambda_o-1)t_e \\right)^{-\\alpha}$$
    lam = th**(1/(1-alp))
    return  (1-alp)*(lam-1)*lbar**alp  * (1+(lam-1)*te)**(-alp) 

def teopt(th, alp, c, lbar):
    '''Planner enclosure rate. If partial then
    $$t_e^o =  \\frac{\\bar l}{(\\Lambda_o - 1)} 
    \\left [   \\frac{(1-\\alpha)(\\Lambda_o - 1)}{c} 
    \\right ]^\\frac{1}{\\alpha} - \\frac{1}{(\\Lambda_o - 1)}
    lam = th**(1/(1-alp))
    zprime = lambda te : (1-alp)*(lam-1)*lbar**alp  * (1+(lam-1)*te)**(-alp) 
    if zprime(0)<c:
        teopt = 0
    elif zprime(1)>c:
        teopt = 1
        teopt =  ( lbar * (  ((1-alp)*(lam-1))/c)**(1/alp)  - 1)/(lam-1)

    return teopt

def tepvt(th, alp, c, lbar, mu):
    '''Private enclosure rate
        req(te)= rental rate 
        r(0)<c  : no enclosure 
        r(1)>c  : full enclosure
        r(0)>c and r(1)<c : partial enclosure
           then solve for teopt from foc

    thresh = (1-mu+alp*mu)/alp    
    lam = Lambda(th, alp, mu)
    r0 = req(0, th, alp, lbar)
    r1 = req(1, th, alp, lbar)
    if th<thresh:
        if r0>=c:
            tep = 1
        elif r1<c:
            tep = 0
            tep = lbar * (lam/(lam-1)) * (th*(1-alp)/c )**(1/alp) - (1/(lam-1))
    elif th>= thresh:  
        if r1>=c:
            tep = 1
        elif r0<c:
            tep = 0
            tep = lbar * ( lam/(lam-1)) * (th*(1-alp)/c )**(1/alp) - (1/(lam-1))

    return tep

def tepvt_g(th, alp, c, lbar, mu):
    '''Private enclosure rate (global game refinement)
        just like pvtpart() but adjust for global game
        If theta < theta_hi then global game refinement says enclose fully if
        tep (from pvtpart) <= 0.5 otherwise no enclosre.
    thresh = (1-mu+alp*mu)/alp    
    tep = tepvt(th,alp,c, lbar, mu=0)
    tepg = tep
    if (tep==1) or (tep==0):
        tepg = tep
    elif (th < thresh):
        if (tep > 0.5):
            tepg = 0
        elif (tep <= 0.5):
            tepg = 1

    return tepg

def dwl(th, alp, c, lbar):
    Returns DWL at each paramter
    teo= teopt(th, alp, c, lbar)
    tep = tepvt(th,alp,c, lbar, mu=0)
    teg = tepvt_g(th,alp,c, lbar, mu=0)

    zo = z(teo, th, alp, lbar) - c*teo
    zg = zpv(teg, th, alp, lbar) - c*teg
    return  zo, zg

def dwlpct(th, alp, c, lbar):
    Returns actual/potential at each paramter
    teo= teopt(th, alp, c, lbar)
    if th > (1/alp):
        tep = tepvt(th,alp,c, lbar, mu=0)
        tep = tepvt_g(th,alp,c, lbar, mu=0)

    zo = z(teo, th, alp, lbar) - c*teo
    zg = zpv(tep, th, alp, lbar) - c*tep
    return  zg/zo

## Plotting functions

def plotY(th=1, lbar = 1, alp = 0.5,  c = 1, mu=0):
    '''Plot total income net of clearing costs'''
    tte = np.linspace(0, 1.0, 20)
    plt.title("Output net of enclosure costs as function of te")
    plt.plot(tte, ( z(tte, th, alp, lbar) - c*tte ),  label= r'z-cTe' )
    plt.plot(tte, ( z(tte, alp*th, alp, lbar) - c*tte),  label= r'total-cTe' )
    #plt.plot(te, req(te, th, alp, lbar, mu)*te*Tbar,  label= r'$r*Te$')
    #plt.plot(te, c*te*Tbar,   label= r'$c*Te$')
    teo = teopt(th, alp, c, lbar)
    plt.axhline(totalq(0, th, alp, lbar, mu), xmin=0, xmax=1, linestyle=':', alpha=0.3)

def plotle(te=1/2, th=1, alp=1/2, mu=0.5):
    '''Draw edgeworth box and te/le(te) ratio'''
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7,7))
    tte = np.linspace(0,1,50)
    leq = le(te, th, alp, mu=0)
    leop = le(te, th, alp, mu=1)
    ax.set_aspect('equal', 'box')
    ax.plot(tte, le(tte, th, alp, mu=0), linewidth=2)
    ax.plot(tte, le(tte, th, alp, mu=1), linewidth=2)  
    ax.plot(tte, le(tte, th, alp, mu), linewidth=2) 
    ax.plot([0,1],[0, 1],linestyle=':')
    ax.plot([0,te],[0, leq],linestyle='-')
    ax.scatter(te, leq, label='private')
    ax.scatter(te, leop, label='social')
    ax.axhline(y=leq, xmin=0, xmax=te, linestyle=':')
    ax.axhline(y=leop, xmin=0, xmax=te, linestyle=':')
    ax.axvline(x=te, ymin=0, ymax=leq, linestyle=':')
    ax.axvline(x=te, ymin=0, ymax=leop, linestyle=':')
    ax.set_xlabel(r'$t_e$', fontsize=15)
    ax.set_ylabel(r'$l_e$', fontsize=15)
    #lam = (th*alp)**(1/(1-alp))
    #ax.text(0.05, 0.9, r'$\theta=$' +f'{th: 2.1f}' r', $\Lambda =$'
    #      + f'{lam: 3.2f}' + r', $\ \ \ \frac{l_e}{t_e}=$'
    #      + f'{leq/(te+0.001):3.1f}', fontsize=16)
    ax.legend(loc='lower right', fontsize=14)
    print(leq, leop)

def plotreq(th=1, alp=1/2, tlbar=1, c=0, wplot=True):
    '''plot rental rate as function of te
       optionally also plot wages '''
    tte = np.linspace(0,1,50)
    fig, ax =  plt.subplots(figsize=(5,5))
    r0 = req(0, th, alp, tlbar)
    r1 = req(1, th, alp, tlbar)
    ax.plot(tte, req(tte, th, alp, tlbar),  label= r'$r$')
    ax.set_xlabel(r'$t_e$', fontsize=15)
    ax.axhline(y=c,linestyle='--', label=r'$c$')
    if wplot:
        ax.plot(tte, weq(tte, th, alp, tlbar), label= r'$w$')
        # plot output net of enclosure costs relative to non-enclose output.
        #ax.plot(tte,  (totalq(tte, th, alp) - c*tte*Tbar)/f(Tbar,Lbar,alp, th),label= r'$net$' )
    lam = (th*alp)**(1/(1-alp))

def plotmpts(te=1/2, alp=1/2, th=1, tlbar=Tbar/Lbar, mu = 0):
    '''Plot partial eqn labor demand graph 
       TODO: not yet working for mu different from 0'''
    ll = np.linspace(0.0001, 0.9999, 400)
    leop = leo(te, th, alp)         #optimal 
    leam = le(te, th, alp, mu)      #private
    we = weq(te, th, alp, tlbar)
    wo = mple(te, leop, alp, th, tlbar)
    wc = mplu(1-te, 1-leam, alp, 1, tlbar)
    mpe = mple(te, ll, alp, th, tlbar)
    apu = aplu(1-te, 1-ll, alp, 1, tlbar)
    mpu = mplu(1-te, 1-ll, alp, 1, tlbar)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,6))
    ax.plot(ll, mpe, linewidth=2, color='k')
    ax.plot(ll, apu, linewidth=2, color='k')
    ax.plot(ll, mpu, linewidth=2, color='k')   
    ax.fill_between(ll, mpe, mpu, 
                    hatch= '//',
    ax.vlines(x=leam, ymin=0, ymax=we, linestyle=':') 
    ax.vlines(x=leop, ymin=0, ymax=wo, 
    ax.axhline(we, linestyle=':')
    ax.axhline(wc, linestyle=':')
    ax.annotate(r'$MP_L^c$',xy=(0.85, mplu(1-te, 0.15, alp, 1, tlbar)), 
                textcoords="offset points", 
                 xytext=(-30,20), fontsize=14)
    ax.annotate(r'$AP_L^c$',xy=(0.65, aplu(1-te, 0.35, alp, 1, tlbar)), 
                textcoords="offset points", 
                 xytext=(-24,15), fontsize=14)
    ax.annotate(r'$MP_L^e$',xy=(0.8,  mple(te, 0.8, alp, th, tlbar)), 
                textcoords="offset points", 
                 xytext=(20,-20), fontsize=14)

    xlabels = ['0', r'$l_e^*(t_e)$', r'$l_e^o(t_e)$','1']
    ylabels = ['',r'$w_e$', r'$w_c$', r'$w_o$']
    ax.set_xticks([0, leam, leop, 1],xlabels, fontsize=13)
    #ax.set_yticks([0, we, wc, wo], ylabels, fontsize=13)

    labels = ['A', '  C', '  E',   '', '']
    xx = [leam, leam, leop, leam, leop]
    yy = [wc,   we,   wo,   0,    0]    
    for x, y, lab in zip(xx, yy, labels):
        ax.scatter(x, y, marker='o', s=30, c ='k',clip_on=False ) 
        plt.annotate(lab, (x,y), 
                textcoords="offset points", # how to position the text
                 xytext=(-5,7), # distance from text to points (x,y)
                 ha='center', fontsize=12)
    return fig, ax

def simplempl(te=1/2, alp=1/2, th=1, tlbar=Tbar/Lbar):
    ll = np.linspace(0.001, 0.999, 50)
    plt.plot(ll, mple(te, ll, alp, 1, tlbar)) 
    plt.plot(ll, mplu(te, ll, 0.3, th, tlbar))
    plt.plot(ll, aple(te, ll, alp, 1, tlbar))
    plt.xlabel('l - labor')
    plt.title('MPL and APL on enclosed and unenclosed lands')

def simplempl2(te=1/2, alp=1/2, th=1, tlbar=Tbar/Lbar):
    ll = np.linspace(0.001, 0.999, 50)
    lnl = np.log(ll)
    plt.plot(lnl, np.log(mple(te, ll, alp, 1, tlbar))) 
    plt.plot(lnl, mplu(te, ll, 0.3, th, tlbar))
    plt.plot(lnl, aple(te, ll, alp, 1, tlbar))
    plt.xlabel('l - labor')
    #plt.axvline(1-le(te, th, alp, mu=0), linestyle='-') 
    #plt.axvline(le(te, alp, th, mu=1), ymin=0, ymax=0.25, linestyle=':') 
    #plt.axhline(0.5,  linestyle=':') 
    plt.title('MPL and APL on enclosed and unenclosed lands')

## More plots 

def plotz(th=1, alp=1/2, c=1, lbar=Lbar, ax=None):
    '''Plot z(t_e).  input ax to allow use with subplots'''
    if ax is None:
        fig, ax =  plt.subplots(figsize=(5,5))
    teo = teopt(th, alp, c, lbar)
    tte = np.linspace(0,1,20)
    ax.scatter(teo, z(teo, th, alp, lbar) - c*teo, s=40, clip_on=False )
    ax.plot(tte, z(tte, th, alp, lbar) - c*tte)
    #ax.plot(tte, z(tte, th, alp, lbar) )
    ax.axvline(teo, ymin=0, ymax=z(teo, th, alp, lbar)-c*teo ,  linestyle='dashed')
    ax.set_xlabel(r'$t_e$'+' -- pct land enclosed')
    ax.set_title(r'$z(t_e) - c\cdot t_e$')

def plotzprime(th, alp, c, lbar):
    teo= teopt(th, alp, c, lbar)
    tte = np.linspace(0,1,20)
    plt.scatter(teo, zprime(teo, th, alp, lbar) , s=40, clip_on=False )
    plt.axhline(c, xmin=0, xmax=1,  linestyle='dashed')
    plt.axvline(teo,  linestyle='dashed')
    plt.plot(tte, zprime(tte, th, alp, lbar))
    plt.xlabel(r'$t_e$'+' -- pct land enclosed')
    plt.title(r'$z\prime(t_e) \; \mathrm{vs} \; c$')

## Log linear MVPL plts

def plotdmg(te=1/2, alp=1/2, th=1, tlbar=Tbar/Lbar):
    '''like plotmpts but in logs to linearize'''
    ll = np.linspace(0.1, 99.9, 50)
    lnl = np.log(ll)
    plt.plot(lnl, np.log(mple(te, ll, alp, th, tlbar)) ) 
    #plt.plot(lnl, np.log(mplu(te, ll, alp, 1, tlbar)))
    plt.plot(ll, aplu(te, ll, alp, 1, tlbar))
    plt.xlabel('l - labor')
    plt.title('MPL and APL on enclosed and unenclosed lands')

## Partition Diagrams from paper

def allpart(c = 1, alp= 2/3, mu =0, soc_opt= True, cond_opt=True, pv_opt=False, pv_gg=True,logpop=True, ax=None):
    '''Plot loci determining parameter partitions corresponding to 
        Social (and Conditional Social) Optimum
        None, Full, or Partial Enclosure zones
        Option: to log plot or not
    # for aesthetics we have different plot domains for the different loci    
    lostart, start, finish, step  = 0.8, 1.1, 2.1, 0.01   # domain boundary points
    cv = 1 / alp                          # high TFP gain threshold 
    the_1 = np.arange(start, finish, step)
    the_lo = np.arange(start, cv, step)
    the_hi = np.arange(cv, finish, step)
    the_gg = np.arange(lostart, cv, step)  # below high threshold
    the_d = np.arange(lostart, finish, step)      # above high threshold
    ## Social Optima
    lamO = the_1**(1/(1-alp))
    lo0 = ( c / ( (lamO - 1)*(1-alp) )  ) **(1/alp)
    lo1 = lamO * lo0      

    ##### Conditional Optima:  separate plot ranges, each side of cv = theta_hat
    lam_hi =  Lambda(th = the_hi, alp= alp, mu = mu)
    lc  = ( c/(the_lo - 1))**(1/alp)
    lc0 = ( alp*c / (( lam_hi*(1+alp) - alp)*(1-alp))  ) **(1/alp)
    lc1 = ( c     / (the_hi*(1-alp)  ) ) **(1/alp)

    ### Private Decentralized equilibia
    lam = Lambda(th = the_d, alp= alp, mu = mu)
    ld0 = ( alp*c/( (1-alp)*lam)  ) **(1/alp)
    ld1 = ( c / ( the_d*(1-alp) )  ) **(1/alp)
    lamg = Lambda(th = the_gg, alp= alp, mu = mu)
    ldg =  ( alp*c / (1-alp*the_gg) *  (1-lamg)/lamg )**(1/alp)     

    if ax is None:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8))

    xlbl = ax.set_xlabel(r'$\theta$', fontsize=20)
    ylbl = ax.set_ylabel(r'$\overline{l}$', fontsize=18)
    xpos = list(xlbl.get_position())      # Shift the label on the x-axis a little bit
    ax.xaxis.set_label_coords(xpos[0]+0.41, xpos[1]-0.02)

    if logpop:
        lc0, lc1, lc = np.log(lc0), np.log(lc1), np.log(lc)
        lo0, lo1 = np.log(lo0), np.log(lo1)
        ld0, ld1, ldg = np.log(ld0), np.log(ld1), np.log(ldg)

        ax.set_ylabel(r'$ln(\overline{l})$', fontsize=18)
    ep = np.max(the_1)+.021  # end point for plot   

    if soc_opt:
        slocus0 = ax.plot(the_1, lo0, color= 'black', alpha=0.2)
        slocus1 = ax.plot(the_1, lo1, color= 'black', alpha=0.2)
        ax.text(ep, np.min(lo0), r'$l^o_0$', fontsize=16)
        ax.text(ep, np.min(lo1)+.05, r'$l^o_1$', fontsize=16)

    if cond_opt:
        clocus_lo = ax.plot(the_lo, lc,  color='blue', linestyle='dashed')
        clocus0 = ax.plot(the_hi, lc0, color= 'blue', linestyle='dashed')
        clocus1 = ax.plot(the_hi, lc1, color= 'blue', linestyle='dashed',linewidth=2.5)
        t3 = ax.text(ep, np.min(lc0), r'$l^c_0$', fontsize=16)
        t4 = ax.text(ep, np.min(lc1)-.05, r'$l^c_1$', fontsize=16)
        #t5 = ax.text(cv-.1, np.min(lc)-.04, r'$l^*$', fontsize=16)

    if pv_opt:
        oline1 = ax.plot(the_d, ld0, color= 'red')
        bline1 = ax.plot(the_d, ld1, color= 'red')
        bbline3 = ax.plot(the_gg, ldg, color='red', linestyle='dashed')
        ax.text(ep, np.min(ld0), r'$l^*_0$', fontsize=16)
        ax.text(lostart, np.max(ld0), r'$l^*_0$', fontsize=16)
        ax.text(ep, np.min(ld1)-.05, r'$l^*_1$', fontsize=16)
        ax.text(lostart, np.max(ld1), r'$l^*_1$', fontsize=16)
        #ax.text(cv-.1, np.min(lc)-.04, r'$l^*$', fontsize=16)

    if pv_gg:     # plot just the global game locus below the threshold
        above = len(the_gg)
        ax.plot(the_d[above:], ld0[above:], color= 'red')
        ax.plot(the_d[above:], ld1[above:], color= 'red')
        ax.plot(the_gg, ldg, color='red', linestyle='-')
        ax.text(ep, np.min(ld0), r'$l^*_0$', fontsize=16)
        ax.text(ep, np.min(ld1)-.05, r'$l^*_1$', fontsize=16)
        ax.text(lostart, np.max(ldg)-.04, r'$l^g$', fontsize=16)

    vline1 = ax.axvline((1-(1-alp)*mu)/alp, ymax=.95, linestyle=':', color='black')
    vline2 = ax.axvline(1, ymax=.95, linestyle=':', color='black')

    ax.text(cv, np.min(lo0)-.5, r'$\frac{1}{\alpha}$', fontsize=16)
    ax.text(1, np.min(lo0)-.5, r'$1$', fontsize=16)

    #if cond_opt == False:
    #    fig.savefig('social_optimum.png')
    #    fig.savefig('social_opt_cond.png')

def threeplots(th, alp, c, lbar=2, soc_opt= True, cond_opt=True, pv_opt=False, pv_gg=True, logpop=False):
    axP  :  left subplot overlap social/private; mostly drawn by allpart()
    axZ  :  top right subplot planner's  z(t_e) - c * t_e etc
    axZP :  bottom right subplot r vs z' vs c
    fig  = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8))
    axP  = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1)
    axZ  = fig.add_subplot(2,2,2)
    axZP = fig.add_subplot(2,2,4)
    #axl  = fig.add_subplot(2,4,8)
    # z() plot
    teo= teopt(th, alp, c, lbar)
    tte = np.linspace(0,1,20)
    tep = tepvt(th, alp,c, lbar, mu=0)
    teg = tepvt_g(th, alp,c, lbar, mu=0)

    dwlp = dwlpct(th, alp, c, lbar)
    zo, zg = dwl(th, alp, c, lbar)

    # top right z(t_e) - c * t_e plot
    axZ.scatter(teo, z(teo, th, alp, lbar)-c*teo, s=40, clip_on=False)
    axZ.scatter(tep, zpv(tep, th, alp, lbar) - c*tep, s=40, clip_on=False,color='orange' )  
    axZ.scatter(teg, zpv(teg, th, alp, lbar) - c*teg, s=40, clip_on=False, marker='X', color='red' )
    axZ.axvline(teo, ymin=0, ymax=z(teo, th, alp, lbar) -c*teo,  linestyle='dashed')
    axZ.axvline(tep, ymin=0, ymax=zpv(tep, th, alp, lbar)-c*tep ,  linestyle='dashed', color='orange')

    axZ.plot(tte, z(tte, th, alp, lbar) - c*tte )   
    axZ.plot(tte, zpv(tte, th, alp, lbar) - c*tte )   
    #axZ.plot(tte, th*(1-alp)*lbar**alp  * Lambda(th, alp, 0)**alp/(1+(Lambda(th,alp,0)-1)*tte)**alp  - c*tte, color='green')     
    #axZ.set_ylim(bottom=0, top=None)
    axZ.set_ylabel(r'$z(t_e)-c \cdot t_e $')
    #Ypct = (z(teg, th, alp, lbar)-c*teg)/(z(teo, th, alp, lbar)-c*teo)
    axZ.set_title(f'z-ct ((zo, zo-zg, %)={zo:0.3f}, {zo-zg:0.3f}, {dwlp: .0%} )')

    # z prime, r and c plot
    axZP.scatter(teo, zprime(teo, th, alp, lbar), s=40, clip_on=False )
    axZP.scatter(tep, req(tep, th, alp, lbar), s=40, clip_on=False, color='orange' )
    axZP.scatter(teg, req(teg, th, alp, lbar), s=40, clip_on=False, marker='X', color='red' )

    axZP.axvline(teo, ymin=0, ymax=1 ,  linestyle='dashed')
    axZP.axvline(tep, ymin=0, ymax=1 ,  linestyle='dashed', color='orange')
    axZP.plot(tte, zprime(tte, th, alp, lbar), label=r'$z_o^\prime$' )
    axZP.set_xlabel(r'$t_e$'+' -- pct land enclosed')
    axZP.set_ylabel(r'$c, r(t_e), z \prime (t_e) $')
    axZP.axhline(c, color='red', linestyle ='dashed', label='c')
    r0 = req(0, th, alp, lbar)
    r1 = req(1, th, alp, lbar)
    axZP.plot(tte, req(tte, th, alp, lbar),  label= '$r$')
    axP.scatter(th, np.log(lbar), s=40)
    axP.set_xlim(0.9, 3)
    axP.set_ylim(0, 4)
    #prvpart(c=c, alp=alp, full_diag=True, logpop=True, ax = axP)
    allpart(c = c, alp= alp, mu =0, soc_opt= soc_opt, cond_opt=cond_opt, pv_opt=pv_opt, pv_gg=pv_gg,logpop=True, ax=axP)


def gaps(th, alp, c):
    dwlp = dwlpct(th, alp, c, lbar)
    dwla = dwl(th, alp, c, lbar)
    lo, lep = leo(teo, th, alp), le(tep, th, alp, 0)
    lto, ltp = lo/(teo+0.001), lep/(tep+0.001)
       rf't_e^o ={teo:0.2f}, l_e^o={lo:0.2f}, \bar l_e = {lto:0.2f}'
    print(f'z(teo)-c te0 = {z(teo, th, alp, lbar)-c*teo:0.2f}, z(tep) = {z(tep, th, alp, lbar)-c*tep:0.2f}, z(teg) = {z(teg, th, alp, lbar)-c*teg:0.2f}')   
        rf'1st = {z(teo, th, alp, lbar)-c*teo:0.2f}, Pvt = {z(tep, th, alp, lbar)-c*tep:0.2f}, Pvg = {z(teg, th, alp, lbar)-c*teg:0.2f}'        


def Lambda(th, alp, mu)

Key term in expressions. Can return either private or planners Lambda: \mu = 0 \rightarrow \Lambda = (\alpha \theta)^\frac{1}{1-\alpha} \mu = 1 \rightarrow \Lambda_o = \theta^\frac{1}{1-\alpha}

Expand source code
def Lambda(th, alp, mu):
    ''' Key term in expressions. Can return either private or planners 
    $$\\mu = 0 \\rightarrow \\Lambda = (\\alpha \\theta)^\\frac{1}{1-\\alpha}$$
    $$\\mu = 1 \\rightarrow \\Lambda_o = \\theta^\\frac{1}{1-\\alpha}$$
    return ( (alp*th)/(1-mu+alp*mu) )**(1/(1-alp))
def allpart(c=1, alp=0.6666666666666666, mu=0, soc_opt=True, cond_opt=True, pv_opt=False, pv_gg=True, logpop=True, ax=None)

Plot loci determining parameter partitions corresponding to Social (and Conditional Social) Optimum None, Full, or Partial Enclosure zones Option: to log plot or not

Expand source code
def allpart(c = 1, alp= 2/3, mu =0, soc_opt= True, cond_opt=True, pv_opt=False, pv_gg=True,logpop=True, ax=None):
    '''Plot loci determining parameter partitions corresponding to 
        Social (and Conditional Social) Optimum
        None, Full, or Partial Enclosure zones
        Option: to log plot or not
    # for aesthetics we have different plot domains for the different loci    
    lostart, start, finish, step  = 0.8, 1.1, 2.1, 0.01   # domain boundary points
    cv = 1 / alp                          # high TFP gain threshold 
    the_1 = np.arange(start, finish, step)
    the_lo = np.arange(start, cv, step)
    the_hi = np.arange(cv, finish, step)
    the_gg = np.arange(lostart, cv, step)  # below high threshold
    the_d = np.arange(lostart, finish, step)      # above high threshold
    ## Social Optima
    lamO = the_1**(1/(1-alp))
    lo0 = ( c / ( (lamO - 1)*(1-alp) )  ) **(1/alp)
    lo1 = lamO * lo0      

    ##### Conditional Optima:  separate plot ranges, each side of cv = theta_hat
    lam_hi =  Lambda(th = the_hi, alp= alp, mu = mu)
    lc  = ( c/(the_lo - 1))**(1/alp)
    lc0 = ( alp*c / (( lam_hi*(1+alp) - alp)*(1-alp))  ) **(1/alp)
    lc1 = ( c     / (the_hi*(1-alp)  ) ) **(1/alp)

    ### Private Decentralized equilibia
    lam = Lambda(th = the_d, alp= alp, mu = mu)
    ld0 = ( alp*c/( (1-alp)*lam)  ) **(1/alp)
    ld1 = ( c / ( the_d*(1-alp) )  ) **(1/alp)
    lamg = Lambda(th = the_gg, alp= alp, mu = mu)
    ldg =  ( alp*c / (1-alp*the_gg) *  (1-lamg)/lamg )**(1/alp)     

    if ax is None:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8))

    xlbl = ax.set_xlabel(r'$\theta$', fontsize=20)
    ylbl = ax.set_ylabel(r'$\overline{l}$', fontsize=18)
    xpos = list(xlbl.get_position())      # Shift the label on the x-axis a little bit
    ax.xaxis.set_label_coords(xpos[0]+0.41, xpos[1]-0.02)

    if logpop:
        lc0, lc1, lc = np.log(lc0), np.log(lc1), np.log(lc)
        lo0, lo1 = np.log(lo0), np.log(lo1)
        ld0, ld1, ldg = np.log(ld0), np.log(ld1), np.log(ldg)

        ax.set_ylabel(r'$ln(\overline{l})$', fontsize=18)
    ep = np.max(the_1)+.021  # end point for plot   

    if soc_opt:
        slocus0 = ax.plot(the_1, lo0, color= 'black', alpha=0.2)
        slocus1 = ax.plot(the_1, lo1, color= 'black', alpha=0.2)
        ax.text(ep, np.min(lo0), r'$l^o_0$', fontsize=16)
        ax.text(ep, np.min(lo1)+.05, r'$l^o_1$', fontsize=16)

    if cond_opt:
        clocus_lo = ax.plot(the_lo, lc,  color='blue', linestyle='dashed')
        clocus0 = ax.plot(the_hi, lc0, color= 'blue', linestyle='dashed')
        clocus1 = ax.plot(the_hi, lc1, color= 'blue', linestyle='dashed',linewidth=2.5)
        t3 = ax.text(ep, np.min(lc0), r'$l^c_0$', fontsize=16)
        t4 = ax.text(ep, np.min(lc1)-.05, r'$l^c_1$', fontsize=16)
        #t5 = ax.text(cv-.1, np.min(lc)-.04, r'$l^*$', fontsize=16)

    if pv_opt:
        oline1 = ax.plot(the_d, ld0, color= 'red')
        bline1 = ax.plot(the_d, ld1, color= 'red')
        bbline3 = ax.plot(the_gg, ldg, color='red', linestyle='dashed')
        ax.text(ep, np.min(ld0), r'$l^*_0$', fontsize=16)
        ax.text(lostart, np.max(ld0), r'$l^*_0$', fontsize=16)
        ax.text(ep, np.min(ld1)-.05, r'$l^*_1$', fontsize=16)
        ax.text(lostart, np.max(ld1), r'$l^*_1$', fontsize=16)
        #ax.text(cv-.1, np.min(lc)-.04, r'$l^*$', fontsize=16)

    if pv_gg:     # plot just the global game locus below the threshold
        above = len(the_gg)
        ax.plot(the_d[above:], ld0[above:], color= 'red')
        ax.plot(the_d[above:], ld1[above:], color= 'red')
        ax.plot(the_gg, ldg, color='red', linestyle='-')
        ax.text(ep, np.min(ld0), r'$l^*_0$', fontsize=16)
        ax.text(ep, np.min(ld1)-.05, r'$l^*_1$', fontsize=16)
        ax.text(lostart, np.max(ldg)-.04, r'$l^g$', fontsize=16)

    vline1 = ax.axvline((1-(1-alp)*mu)/alp, ymax=.95, linestyle=':', color='black')
    vline2 = ax.axvline(1, ymax=.95, linestyle=':', color='black')

    ax.text(cv, np.min(lo0)-.5, r'$\frac{1}{\alpha}$', fontsize=16)
    ax.text(1, np.min(lo0)-.5, r'$1$', fontsize=16)

    #if cond_opt == False:
    #    fig.savefig('social_optimum.png')
    #    fig.savefig('social_opt_cond.png')
def aple(te, le, a=0.5, th=1, tlbar=1.0)

Average product of Labor APL(t_e, l_e) = \frac{f(T_e, L_e)}{L_e} = \frac{f(t_e, l_e)}{l_e} \cdot \bar t^{1-\alpha}

Expand source code
def aple(te, le, a=1/2, th=1, tlbar=Tbar/Lbar):
    r'''Average product of Labor 
    $$APL(t_e, l_e) = \frac{f(T_e, L_e)}{L_e} =  \frac{f(t_e, l_e)}{l_e} \cdot \bar t^{1-\alpha}$$ 
    return f(te,le,a,th)/le  * tlbar**(1-a)
def aplu(te, le, a=0.5, th=1, tlbar=1.0)

Average product of Labor on unenclosed land

Expand source code
def aplu(te, le, a=1/2, th=1, tlbar=Tbar/Lbar):
    '''Average product of Labor on unenclosed land'''
    return aple(te, le, a, th, tlbar)
def dwl(th, alp, c, lbar)

Returns DWL at each paramter

Expand source code
def dwl(th, alp, c, lbar):
    Returns DWL at each paramter
    teo= teopt(th, alp, c, lbar)
    tep = tepvt(th,alp,c, lbar, mu=0)
    teg = tepvt_g(th,alp,c, lbar, mu=0)

    zo = z(teo, th, alp, lbar) - c*teo
    zg = zpv(teg, th, alp, lbar) - c*teg
    return  zo, zg
def dwlpct(th, alp, c, lbar)

Returns actual/potential at each paramter

Expand source code
def dwlpct(th, alp, c, lbar):
    Returns actual/potential at each paramter
    teo= teopt(th, alp, c, lbar)
    if th > (1/alp):
        tep = tepvt(th,alp,c, lbar, mu=0)
        tep = tepvt_g(th,alp,c, lbar, mu=0)

    zo = z(teo, th, alp, lbar) - c*teo
    zg = zpv(tep, th, alp, lbar) - c*tep
    return  zg/zo
def f(T, L, a=0.5, th=1)

Production technology f(T, L) = \theta \cdot T^{1-\alpha}L^{\alpha}

Expand source code
def f(T, L, a=1/2, th=1):
    r'''Production technology 
       $$f(T, L) = \theta \cdot T^{1-\alpha}L^{\alpha}$$ 
    return th * T**(1-a) * L**a
def gaps(th, alp, c)
Expand source code
def gaps(th, alp, c):
    dwlp = dwlpct(th, alp, c, lbar)
    dwla = dwl(th, alp, c, lbar)
    lo, lep = leo(teo, th, alp), le(tep, th, alp, 0)
    lto, ltp = lo/(teo+0.001), lep/(tep+0.001)
       rf't_e^o ={teo:0.2f}, l_e^o={lo:0.2f}, \bar l_e = {lto:0.2f}'
    print(f'z(teo)-c te0 = {z(teo, th, alp, lbar)-c*teo:0.2f}, z(tep) = {z(tep, th, alp, lbar)-c*tep:0.2f}, z(teg) = {z(teg, th, alp, lbar)-c*teg:0.2f}')   
        rf'1st = {z(teo, th, alp, lbar)-c*teo:0.2f}, Pvt = {z(tep, th, alp, lbar)-c*tep:0.2f}, Pvg = {z(teg, th, alp, lbar)-c*teg:0.2f}'        
def le(te, th, alp, mu)

Private equilibrium labor share on enclosed for given te when (1-mualpmu)APL=MPL
mu = 0: APLc = MPLe, le
in paper mu = 1: MPLc = MPLe, leo in paper mu in (0,1) in between partly secure

Expand source code
def le(te, th, alp, mu):
    '''Private equilibrium labor share on enclosed for given te when 
       mu = 0:   APLc = MPLe,   le* in paper
       mu = 1:   MPLc = MPLe,   leo in paper
       mu in (0,1)   in between partly secure
    lam = Lambda(th, alp, mu)
    return (lam*te)/(1+(lam-1)*te)
def leo(te, th, alp)

optimal labor allocation (from MPLe = MPLu) given enclosed land share te

Expand source code
def leo(te, th, alp):
    '''optimal labor allocation (from MPLe = MPLu) given enclosed land share te'''
    lam = th**(1/(1-alp))
    return (lam*te)/(1+lam*te-te)
def mple(te, le, a=0.5, th=1, tlbar=1.0)

Marginal product of Labor on enclosed land can be written MPL(t_e, l_e) = \alpha \cdot \frac{f(t_e, l_e)}{l_e} \bar l^\alpha Since with a Cobb Douglas, $MPL = \alpha \cdot APL$.

Expand source code
def mple(te, le, a=1/2, th=1, tlbar=Tbar/Lbar):
    r'''Marginal product of Labor on enclosed land can be written
       $$MPL(t_e, l_e) = \alpha \cdot \frac{f(t_e, l_e)}{l_e} \bar l^\alpha$$ 
       Since with a Cobb Douglas, $MPL = \alpha \cdot APL$.'''
    return a* f(te,le,a,th)/le  * tlbar**(1-a)
def mplu(te, le, a=0.5, th=1, tlbar=1.0)

Marginal product of Labor on unenclosed land same tech but useful to have other name

Expand source code
def mplu(te, le, a=1/2, th=1, tlbar=Tbar/Lbar):
    '''Marginal product of Labor on unenclosed land
       same tech but useful to have other name'''
    return mple(te, le, a, th, tlbar)
def mpte(te, le, a=0.5, th=1, tlbar=1.0)

Marginal product of Land on enclosed land

Expand source code
def mpte(te, le, a=1/2, th=1, tlbar=Tbar/Lbar):
    '''Marginal product of Land on enclosed land'''
    return (1-a)* f(te,le,a,th)/te  * tlbar**(-a)
def plotY(th=1, lbar=1, alp=0.5, c=1, mu=0)

Plot total income net of clearing costs

Expand source code
def plotY(th=1, lbar = 1, alp = 0.5,  c = 1, mu=0):
    '''Plot total income net of clearing costs'''
    tte = np.linspace(0, 1.0, 20)
    plt.title("Output net of enclosure costs as function of te")
    plt.plot(tte, ( z(tte, th, alp, lbar) - c*tte ),  label= r'z-cTe' )
    plt.plot(tte, ( z(tte, alp*th, alp, lbar) - c*tte),  label= r'total-cTe' )
    #plt.plot(te, req(te, th, alp, lbar, mu)*te*Tbar,  label= r'$r*Te$')
    #plt.plot(te, c*te*Tbar,   label= r'$c*Te$')
    teo = teopt(th, alp, c, lbar)
    plt.axhline(totalq(0, th, alp, lbar, mu), xmin=0, xmax=1, linestyle=':', alpha=0.3)
def plotdmg(te=0.5, alp=0.5, th=1, tlbar=1.0)

like plotmpts but in logs to linearize

Expand source code
def plotdmg(te=1/2, alp=1/2, th=1, tlbar=Tbar/Lbar):
    '''like plotmpts but in logs to linearize'''
    ll = np.linspace(0.1, 99.9, 50)
    lnl = np.log(ll)
    plt.plot(lnl, np.log(mple(te, ll, alp, th, tlbar)) ) 
    #plt.plot(lnl, np.log(mplu(te, ll, alp, 1, tlbar)))
    plt.plot(ll, aplu(te, ll, alp, 1, tlbar))
    plt.xlabel('l - labor')
    plt.title('MPL and APL on enclosed and unenclosed lands')
def plotle(te=0.5, th=1, alp=0.5, mu=0.5)

Draw edgeworth box and te/le(te) ratio

Expand source code
def plotle(te=1/2, th=1, alp=1/2, mu=0.5):
    '''Draw edgeworth box and te/le(te) ratio'''
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7,7))
    tte = np.linspace(0,1,50)
    leq = le(te, th, alp, mu=0)
    leop = le(te, th, alp, mu=1)
    ax.set_aspect('equal', 'box')
    ax.plot(tte, le(tte, th, alp, mu=0), linewidth=2)
    ax.plot(tte, le(tte, th, alp, mu=1), linewidth=2)  
    ax.plot(tte, le(tte, th, alp, mu), linewidth=2) 
    ax.plot([0,1],[0, 1],linestyle=':')
    ax.plot([0,te],[0, leq],linestyle='-')
    ax.scatter(te, leq, label='private')
    ax.scatter(te, leop, label='social')
    ax.axhline(y=leq, xmin=0, xmax=te, linestyle=':')
    ax.axhline(y=leop, xmin=0, xmax=te, linestyle=':')
    ax.axvline(x=te, ymin=0, ymax=leq, linestyle=':')
    ax.axvline(x=te, ymin=0, ymax=leop, linestyle=':')
    ax.set_xlabel(r'$t_e$', fontsize=15)
    ax.set_ylabel(r'$l_e$', fontsize=15)
    #lam = (th*alp)**(1/(1-alp))
    #ax.text(0.05, 0.9, r'$\theta=$' +f'{th: 2.1f}' r', $\Lambda =$'
    #      + f'{lam: 3.2f}' + r', $\ \ \ \frac{l_e}{t_e}=$'
    #      + f'{leq/(te+0.001):3.1f}', fontsize=16)
    ax.legend(loc='lower right', fontsize=14)
    print(leq, leop)
def plotmpts(te=0.5, alp=0.5, th=1, tlbar=1.0, mu=0)

Plot partial eqn labor demand graph TODO: not yet working for mu different from 0

Expand source code
def plotmpts(te=1/2, alp=1/2, th=1, tlbar=Tbar/Lbar, mu = 0):
    '''Plot partial eqn labor demand graph 
       TODO: not yet working for mu different from 0'''
    ll = np.linspace(0.0001, 0.9999, 400)
    leop = leo(te, th, alp)         #optimal 
    leam = le(te, th, alp, mu)      #private
    we = weq(te, th, alp, tlbar)
    wo = mple(te, leop, alp, th, tlbar)
    wc = mplu(1-te, 1-leam, alp, 1, tlbar)
    mpe = mple(te, ll, alp, th, tlbar)
    apu = aplu(1-te, 1-ll, alp, 1, tlbar)
    mpu = mplu(1-te, 1-ll, alp, 1, tlbar)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,6))
    ax.plot(ll, mpe, linewidth=2, color='k')
    ax.plot(ll, apu, linewidth=2, color='k')
    ax.plot(ll, mpu, linewidth=2, color='k')   
    ax.fill_between(ll, mpe, mpu, 
                    hatch= '//',
    ax.vlines(x=leam, ymin=0, ymax=we, linestyle=':') 
    ax.vlines(x=leop, ymin=0, ymax=wo, 
    ax.axhline(we, linestyle=':')
    ax.axhline(wc, linestyle=':')
    ax.annotate(r'$MP_L^c$',xy=(0.85, mplu(1-te, 0.15, alp, 1, tlbar)), 
                textcoords="offset points", 
                 xytext=(-30,20), fontsize=14)
    ax.annotate(r'$AP_L^c$',xy=(0.65, aplu(1-te, 0.35, alp, 1, tlbar)), 
                textcoords="offset points", 
                 xytext=(-24,15), fontsize=14)
    ax.annotate(r'$MP_L^e$',xy=(0.8,  mple(te, 0.8, alp, th, tlbar)), 
                textcoords="offset points", 
                 xytext=(20,-20), fontsize=14)

    xlabels = ['0', r'$l_e^*(t_e)$', r'$l_e^o(t_e)$','1']
    ylabels = ['',r'$w_e$', r'$w_c$', r'$w_o$']
    ax.set_xticks([0, leam, leop, 1],xlabels, fontsize=13)
    #ax.set_yticks([0, we, wc, wo], ylabels, fontsize=13)

    labels = ['A', '  C', '  E',   '', '']
    xx = [leam, leam, leop, leam, leop]
    yy = [wc,   we,   wo,   0,    0]    
    for x, y, lab in zip(xx, yy, labels):
        ax.scatter(x, y, marker='o', s=30, c ='k',clip_on=False ) 
        plt.annotate(lab, (x,y), 
                textcoords="offset points", # how to position the text
                 xytext=(-5,7), # distance from text to points (x,y)
                 ha='center', fontsize=12)
    return fig, ax
def plotreq(th=1, alp=0.5, tlbar=1, c=0, wplot=True)

plot rental rate as function of te optionally also plot wages

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def plotreq(th=1, alp=1/2, tlbar=1, c=0, wplot=True):
    '''plot rental rate as function of te
       optionally also plot wages '''
    tte = np.linspace(0,1,50)
    fig, ax =  plt.subplots(figsize=(5,5))
    r0 = req(0, th, alp, tlbar)
    r1 = req(1, th, alp, tlbar)
    ax.plot(tte, req(tte, th, alp, tlbar),  label= r'$r$')
    ax.set_xlabel(r'$t_e$', fontsize=15)
    ax.axhline(y=c,linestyle='--', label=r'$c$')
    if wplot:
        ax.plot(tte, weq(tte, th, alp, tlbar), label= r'$w$')
        # plot output net of enclosure costs relative to non-enclose output.
        #ax.plot(tte,  (totalq(tte, th, alp) - c*tte*Tbar)/f(Tbar,Lbar,alp, th),label= r'$net$' )
    lam = (th*alp)**(1/(1-alp))
def plotz(th=1, alp=0.5, c=1, lbar=100, ax=None)

Plot z(t_e). input ax to allow use with subplots

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def plotz(th=1, alp=1/2, c=1, lbar=Lbar, ax=None):
    '''Plot z(t_e).  input ax to allow use with subplots'''
    if ax is None:
        fig, ax =  plt.subplots(figsize=(5,5))
    teo = teopt(th, alp, c, lbar)
    tte = np.linspace(0,1,20)
    ax.scatter(teo, z(teo, th, alp, lbar) - c*teo, s=40, clip_on=False )
    ax.plot(tte, z(tte, th, alp, lbar) - c*tte)
    #ax.plot(tte, z(tte, th, alp, lbar) )
    ax.axvline(teo, ymin=0, ymax=z(teo, th, alp, lbar)-c*teo ,  linestyle='dashed')
    ax.set_xlabel(r'$t_e$'+' -- pct land enclosed')
    ax.set_title(r'$z(t_e) - c\cdot t_e$')
def plotzprime(th, alp, c, lbar)
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def plotzprime(th, alp, c, lbar):
    teo= teopt(th, alp, c, lbar)
    tte = np.linspace(0,1,20)
    plt.scatter(teo, zprime(teo, th, alp, lbar) , s=40, clip_on=False )
    plt.axhline(c, xmin=0, xmax=1,  linestyle='dashed')
    plt.axvline(teo,  linestyle='dashed')
    plt.plot(tte, zprime(tte, th, alp, lbar))
    plt.xlabel(r'$t_e$'+' -- pct land enclosed')
    plt.title(r'$z\prime(t_e) \; \mathrm{vs} \; c$')
def req(te, th=1, alp=0.5, ltbar=1, mu=0)

Decentralized Equilibrium rental given t_e r(t_e) = \theta f_T(t_e, l_e(t_e)) \cdot \bar l^\alpha r(t_e) = \frac{(1-\alpha) \theta \Lambda^\alpha}{(1+(\Lambda-1)t_e)^\alpha} \cdot \bar l^\alpha

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def req(te, th=1, alp=1/2, ltbar=1, mu=0):
    r'''Decentralized Equilibrium rental given t_e
       $$r(t_e) =  \theta f_T(t_e, l_e(t_e)) \cdot \bar l^\alpha$$ 
       $$r(t_e) =  \frac{(1-\alpha) \theta  \Lambda^\alpha}{(1+(\Lambda-1)t_e)^\alpha}  \cdot \bar l^\alpha$$ 

    lam = Lambda(th, alp, mu)
    return (1-alp)*th * lam**alp * (1+(lam-1)*te)**(-alp) * (ltbar)**(alp)
def simplempl(te=0.5, alp=0.5, th=1, tlbar=1.0)
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def simplempl(te=1/2, alp=1/2, th=1, tlbar=Tbar/Lbar):
    ll = np.linspace(0.001, 0.999, 50)
    plt.plot(ll, mple(te, ll, alp, 1, tlbar)) 
    plt.plot(ll, mplu(te, ll, 0.3, th, tlbar))
    plt.plot(ll, aple(te, ll, alp, 1, tlbar))
    plt.xlabel('l - labor')
    plt.title('MPL and APL on enclosed and unenclosed lands')
def simplempl2(te=0.5, alp=0.5, th=1, tlbar=1.0)
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def simplempl2(te=1/2, alp=1/2, th=1, tlbar=Tbar/Lbar):
    ll = np.linspace(0.001, 0.999, 50)
    lnl = np.log(ll)
    plt.plot(lnl, np.log(mple(te, ll, alp, 1, tlbar))) 
    plt.plot(lnl, mplu(te, ll, 0.3, th, tlbar))
    plt.plot(lnl, aple(te, ll, alp, 1, tlbar))
    plt.xlabel('l - labor')
    #plt.axvline(1-le(te, th, alp, mu=0), linestyle='-') 
    #plt.axvline(le(te, alp, th, mu=1), ymin=0, ymax=0.25, linestyle=':') 
    #plt.axhline(0.5,  linestyle=':') 
    plt.title('MPL and APL on enclosed and unenclosed lands')
def teopt(th, alp, c, lbar)

Planner enclosure rate. If partial then t_e^o = \frac{\bar l}{(\Lambda_o - 1)} \left [ \frac{(1-\alpha)(\Lambda_o - 1)}{c} \right ]^\frac{1}{\alpha} - \frac{1}{(\Lambda_o - 1)}

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def teopt(th, alp, c, lbar):
    '''Planner enclosure rate. If partial then
    $$t_e^o =  \\frac{\\bar l}{(\\Lambda_o - 1)} 
    \\left [   \\frac{(1-\\alpha)(\\Lambda_o - 1)}{c} 
    \\right ]^\\frac{1}{\\alpha} - \\frac{1}{(\\Lambda_o - 1)}
    lam = th**(1/(1-alp))
    zprime = lambda te : (1-alp)*(lam-1)*lbar**alp  * (1+(lam-1)*te)**(-alp) 
    if zprime(0)<c:
        teopt = 0
    elif zprime(1)>c:
        teopt = 1
        teopt =  ( lbar * (  ((1-alp)*(lam-1))/c)**(1/alp)  - 1)/(lam-1)

    return teopt
def tepvt(th, alp, c, lbar, mu)

Private enclosure rate req(te)= rental rate r(0)c : full enclosure r(0)>c and r(1)<c : partial enclosure then solve for teopt from foc

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def tepvt(th, alp, c, lbar, mu):
    '''Private enclosure rate
        req(te)= rental rate 
        r(0)<c  : no enclosure 
        r(1)>c  : full enclosure
        r(0)>c and r(1)<c : partial enclosure
           then solve for teopt from foc

    thresh = (1-mu+alp*mu)/alp    
    lam = Lambda(th, alp, mu)
    r0 = req(0, th, alp, lbar)
    r1 = req(1, th, alp, lbar)
    if th<thresh:
        if r0>=c:
            tep = 1
        elif r1<c:
            tep = 0
            tep = lbar * (lam/(lam-1)) * (th*(1-alp)/c )**(1/alp) - (1/(lam-1))
    elif th>= thresh:  
        if r1>=c:
            tep = 1
        elif r0<c:
            tep = 0
            tep = lbar * ( lam/(lam-1)) * (th*(1-alp)/c )**(1/alp) - (1/(lam-1))

    return tep
def tepvt_g(th, alp, c, lbar, mu)

Private enclosure rate (global game refinement) just like pvtpart() but adjust for global game If theta < theta_hi then global game refinement says enclose fully if tep (from pvtpart) <= 0.5 otherwise no enclosre.

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def tepvt_g(th, alp, c, lbar, mu):
    '''Private enclosure rate (global game refinement)
        just like pvtpart() but adjust for global game
        If theta < theta_hi then global game refinement says enclose fully if
        tep (from pvtpart) <= 0.5 otherwise no enclosre.
    thresh = (1-mu+alp*mu)/alp    
    tep = tepvt(th,alp,c, lbar, mu=0)
    tepg = tep
    if (tep==1) or (tep==0):
        tepg = tep
    elif (th < thresh):
        if (tep > 0.5):
            tepg = 0
        elif (tep <= 0.5):
            tepg = 1

    return tepg
def threeplots(th, alp, c, lbar=2, soc_opt=True, cond_opt=True, pv_opt=False, pv_gg=True, logpop=False)

axP : left subplot overlap social/private; mostly drawn by allpart() axZ : top right subplot planner's z(t_e) - c * t_e etc axZP : bottom right subplot r vs z' vs c

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def threeplots(th, alp, c, lbar=2, soc_opt= True, cond_opt=True, pv_opt=False, pv_gg=True, logpop=False):
    axP  :  left subplot overlap social/private; mostly drawn by allpart()
    axZ  :  top right subplot planner's  z(t_e) - c * t_e etc
    axZP :  bottom right subplot r vs z' vs c
    fig  = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8))
    axP  = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1)
    axZ  = fig.add_subplot(2,2,2)
    axZP = fig.add_subplot(2,2,4)
    #axl  = fig.add_subplot(2,4,8)
    # z() plot
    teo= teopt(th, alp, c, lbar)
    tte = np.linspace(0,1,20)
    tep = tepvt(th, alp,c, lbar, mu=0)
    teg = tepvt_g(th, alp,c, lbar, mu=0)

    dwlp = dwlpct(th, alp, c, lbar)
    zo, zg = dwl(th, alp, c, lbar)

    # top right z(t_e) - c * t_e plot
    axZ.scatter(teo, z(teo, th, alp, lbar)-c*teo, s=40, clip_on=False)
    axZ.scatter(tep, zpv(tep, th, alp, lbar) - c*tep, s=40, clip_on=False,color='orange' )  
    axZ.scatter(teg, zpv(teg, th, alp, lbar) - c*teg, s=40, clip_on=False, marker='X', color='red' )
    axZ.axvline(teo, ymin=0, ymax=z(teo, th, alp, lbar) -c*teo,  linestyle='dashed')
    axZ.axvline(tep, ymin=0, ymax=zpv(tep, th, alp, lbar)-c*tep ,  linestyle='dashed', color='orange')

    axZ.plot(tte, z(tte, th, alp, lbar) - c*tte )   
    axZ.plot(tte, zpv(tte, th, alp, lbar) - c*tte )   
    #axZ.plot(tte, th*(1-alp)*lbar**alp  * Lambda(th, alp, 0)**alp/(1+(Lambda(th,alp,0)-1)*tte)**alp  - c*tte, color='green')     
    #axZ.set_ylim(bottom=0, top=None)
    axZ.set_ylabel(r'$z(t_e)-c \cdot t_e $')
    #Ypct = (z(teg, th, alp, lbar)-c*teg)/(z(teo, th, alp, lbar)-c*teo)
    axZ.set_title(f'z-ct ((zo, zo-zg, %)={zo:0.3f}, {zo-zg:0.3f}, {dwlp: .0%} )')

    # z prime, r and c plot
    axZP.scatter(teo, zprime(teo, th, alp, lbar), s=40, clip_on=False )
    axZP.scatter(tep, req(tep, th, alp, lbar), s=40, clip_on=False, color='orange' )
    axZP.scatter(teg, req(teg, th, alp, lbar), s=40, clip_on=False, marker='X', color='red' )

    axZP.axvline(teo, ymin=0, ymax=1 ,  linestyle='dashed')
    axZP.axvline(tep, ymin=0, ymax=1 ,  linestyle='dashed', color='orange')
    axZP.plot(tte, zprime(tte, th, alp, lbar), label=r'$z_o^\prime$' )
    axZP.set_xlabel(r'$t_e$'+' -- pct land enclosed')
    axZP.set_ylabel(r'$c, r(t_e), z \prime (t_e) $')
    axZP.axhline(c, color='red', linestyle ='dashed', label='c')
    r0 = req(0, th, alp, lbar)
    r1 = req(1, th, alp, lbar)
    axZP.plot(tte, req(tte, th, alp, lbar),  label= '$r$')
    axP.scatter(th, np.log(lbar), s=40)
    axP.set_xlim(0.9, 3)
    axP.set_ylim(0, 4)
    #prvpart(c=c, alp=alp, full_diag=True, logpop=True, ax = axP)
    allpart(c = c, alp= alp, mu =0, soc_opt= soc_opt, cond_opt=cond_opt, pv_opt=pv_opt, pv_gg=pv_gg,logpop=True, ax=axP)
def totalq(te, th, alp, lbar, mu)

total output in the economy given te and mu. Note costs of enclosure are not subtracted.

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def totalq(te, th, alp, lbar, mu):
    '''total output in the economy given te and mu.
       Note costs of enclosure are not subtracted.'''
    leq = le(te, th, alp, mu)
    return ( th * f(te, leq, alp, th) + f(1-te, 1-leq, alp, 1) ) * lbar**alp 
def weq(te, th=1, alp=0.5, tlbar=1, mu=0)

Decentralized Equilibrium wage

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def weq(te, th=1, alp=1/2, tlbar=1, mu=0):
    '''Decentralized Equilibrium wage'''
    lam = Lambda(th, alp, mu)
    return (1+(lam-1)*te)**(1-alp) * (tlbar)**(1-alp)
def z(te, th, alp, lbar)

output per unit land net of enclosure cost z(t_e) = \bar l^\alpha \left(1+(\Lambda_o-1)t_e\right)^{1-\alpha}

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def z(te, th, alp, lbar):
    '''output per unit land net of enclosure cost
       $$z(t_e) = \\bar l^\\alpha \\left(1+(\\Lambda_o-1)t_e\\right)^{1-\\alpha}$$ '''
    lam = th**(1/(1-alp))
    return lbar**alp * (1+(lam-1)*te)**(1-alp) 
def zprime(te, th, alp, lbar)

derivative of planner's z(t_e) function z(t_e) = \bar l^\alpha \cdot (1-\alpha)(\Lambda_o -1) \left(1+(\Lambda_o-1)t_e \right)^{-\alpha}

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def zprime(te, th, alp, lbar):
    '''derivative of planner's z(t_e) function
       $$z(t_e) = \\bar l^\\alpha \\cdot (1-\\alpha)(\\Lambda_o -1) \\left(1+(\\Lambda_o-1)t_e \\right)^{-\\alpha}$$
    lam = th**(1/(1-alp))
    return  (1-alp)*(lam-1)*lbar**alp  * (1+(lam-1)*te)**(-alp) 
def zpv(te, th, alp, lbar)

output per unit land net of enclosure cost NEED TO ADJUST: z_d(t_e)= \bar l^\alpha \cdot \frac{ 1+(\frac{\Lambda}{\alpha}-1)t_e}{(1+(\Lambda-1)t_e)^\alpha}

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def zpv(te, th, alp, lbar):
    '''output per unit land net of enclosure cost  NEED TO ADJUST:
       $$z_d(t_e)= \\bar l^\\alpha \\cdot \\frac{ 1+(\\frac{\\Lambda}{\\alpha}-1)t_e}{(1+(\\Lambda-1)t_e)^\\alpha}$$
    lam = (alp*th)**(1/(1-alp))
    return lbar**alp * (th*te*lam**alp +(1-te))/(1+(lam-1)*te)**alp