This JupyterBook#

This Econ-Teach site was made using JupyterBook which, in turn, leverages the Sphinx documentation system. These tools take content written in jupyter notebook (.ipynb extension) and markdown text files (.md extension) to transform text, math input, and python code, into the nicely rendered HTML code of this website. Some of the notebooks that embed code can then be run on a jupyter notebook server on the users’ personal computer, or in the cloud, to make some of the visualizations and simulations interactive.

Some pages contain geogebra applets that are immediately interactive in any modern browser. Other pages which have been created as jupyter notebooks with embedded python code will display as static pages but can be modified and made interactive by running the the jupyter notebook on a server. This can be accomplished by clicking the Binder or Google Colab button at the top of the page, or by cloning the Econ-Teach github repository to your local computer and then running them on a local jupyter notebook server. Here is one guide to getting started.

Most users can interact with the content without having to learn how the entire ‘book/website’ was built. What follows are a few pointers and tips only for those who might be curious about how to build a similar site.


The aim is to create content using easy human-readable markdown in combination with python (or other coding languages) to explore ideas and create scientific content with simulations and visualizations and to then convert this via a nice looking rendered website and/or to other intermediary or final formats such as Latex, PDF, etc. In short, we want to get a nice looking website and ‘book’ content for sharing reproducible research without having to learn (too much) HTML/CSS, Latex or other technical content.

Jupyter notebooks already accomplish much of this goal by themselves by providing a ‘front end’ for mixing text, math and code. Jupyter notebooks that are posted to sites such as github are automatically rendered by those sites in human readable form (see, for example, Edgeworth.ipynb). This however allows one to only display one notebook at a time and for a larger project one would want to organize several notebooks and markdown files into a clearly navigable book or website.

Jupyterbook was created for this purpose as part of The Executable Book Project. Many Executable Books and Courses are being written using Jupyterbook. See the Gallery of Jupyter Books. Some of the peopl behind the Quantecon project were important to the development of Jupyter Book.

Jupyterbook extends the simple markdown syntax typically used for jupyter notebooks by adding extra MyST Markdown ‘directives’ and ‘roles’ to allow us several ‘book writing’ tasks including adding bibliographic citations and bibliographies, numberering equations, adding cross-references, creating tabs and dropdowns, etc. MyST also gives us more fine control over things such as image size and positioning on a page, figure captioning, hiding code, etc.

Setup and Build#

See installation instructions on the jupyter book page. We need a _config.yml with basic configuration settings and a _toc.yml file that establishes which files will be included in the navigation structure that you’ll to the left of the site.

Suppose you have cloned the Econ-Teachrepository that builds this site to a folder on your machine labeled Econ-Teach and have already installed jupyterbook. If you then open up an Anaconda command terminal on your machine and navigate to that folder, you can then type

jb build .

Then jupyterbook will build a local HTML website which you can view from a browser (at the end of the build process it will tell you how to open it).

Github Actions and webpage#

In order to build and share a website that can be reached from anywhere on the internet I use the free github pages servive.

I’ve setup a github action so that any new push of new content to the Github repository at will trigger the creation of a virtual cloud machine that will then produce the jupyterbook site using the build process just described such that the rendered site then displays at It’s a neat process and it’s fun to see github actions do all this work for you. There may be a few minutes delay between a new build and the changes appearing on the site.[1]


I typically develop jupyter notebook and markdown file content using jupyterlab and Visual Studio Code to edit content and move files around, but I sometimes use a markdown editor such as Typora particularly if I’m going to type a lot of math. You can have these different tools open at the same time, editing the same files. VS code allows you to preview how both markdown files and jupyter notebooks will render, plus you can open up a terminal window to run local jupyterbook builds to see how they look in the browser.

When I’m satisified that new content is ready to be shared I will then push the changes to the github repository (either via the command line, or using either VS code or the github desktop app). I only push the ‘source’ files (markdown, jupyter notebooks, and relevant other files) not the locally rendered HTML because, as mentioned, a github action will build the site on a virtual machine (everything needed to make it run is in the book.yml configuration file).